Friday, 4 March 2016

How long should I allow for my Wedding Photography?

A question I often get asked, is 'how long is it going to take for the photos I want?' This is an important question to ask when planning your day, as all weddings run to a schedule and you do need to make sure that you allow enough time for photographs before you need to sit down for your meal. Understand, I am really only talking about the formal or arranged shots, most of the coverage of your wedding will be reportage style; and by that I mean candid photos taken without direction (and in some cases without an awareness of the camera, those are my favourites)!

As your photographer, I think it's very important to get the formal group shots out of the way first, directly after the ceremony and before your guests have a chance to start disappearing off to the bar! I can usually get these photos done within 30 minutes to an hour, depending on how many guests you have and the variety of shots that you want.

After that, I will send all your guests off to entertain themselves, while I take you (the bride and groom) off on your own to get some lovely photos of just the two of you, as naturally as possible. We'll have a little wander around your venue to find nice locations and give you a chance to relax after the ceremony. This can take between 20 minutes and an hour - it really depends how creative we get and how comfortable you are in front of the camera.

That's pretty much it for the formal photos, the rest will be taken as I wander around, trying to look inobtrusive in order to catch you and your guests in a more natural way. It's surprisingly (or not) difficult to do this when you have an enormous camera and lens, but I do my best!

So, to sum up, allow around 2 hours between the end of the ceremony and sitting down for your wedding breakfast; enough time for the photographs without rushing around, but not long enough that you are standing around waiting to eat either!
The original of this blog post can be found on my website by clicking here


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